Hello, my name is Mary Bowerman. I am here as your event planner, wedding officiant, and floral artist. It is my passion to ensure your wedding day is everything you've ever dreamed of.
Clients often ask me how I got started in my business...
It all began when one of my close girlfriend’s daughter was getting married and having a huge Italian wedding. She had asked me to do the flowers and being rather new to floral design, I blurted out, “No way!!” She looked at me calmly and said, “Mary, I have complete confidence in you. I know you will make it right, even if it kills you!” So, with her love and reassurance, I decided to take on the challenge.
Of course, neither of us knowing anything about weddings - she didn’t hire a coordinator. There was just me, a photographer, and a DJ, at a very expensive hotel. The catering manager was very nice, but she had five weddings going that day, so was unable to give us all the assistance we needed at the time. I began to see all the spots where the coordination was not happening and proceeded to chip in.
The Grand Entrance with Grand Parents (some who only spoke Italian), hyped-up flower girls and ring bearers, slightly intoxicated groomsmen and bridesmaids - who all just wanted to get their entrance down, and my bride and groom! It was crazy! I decided to step up to the occasion, took charge and loved every minute of it. I knew right then and there this is for me! It was an awesome wedding, it changed me and my understanding of how much there is to a wedding! And that’s how I got started Coordinating.
What about Officiating?
After sitting through hundreds of weddings with Pastors, Priests, Officiates, and Rabbis, I’ve definitely seen a lot! Some of them were so great. Some not so much. And some, I just wanted to scream, “This isn’t about you, sir!!”
It all started when I had a beautiful bride from Texas, who wanted to get married in San Diego. She married her husband right before he left and had three days with him before he was shipped off to Afghanistan for nineteen long months. She got pregnant and waited for him to get home to meet their beautiful daughter and get married again with the dress, the tux, and flowers. I was creating her flowers and providing coordination. I found out she needed an Officiant so I offered to do it for the two of them in thanks for their service to our country. I obtained my license and jumped in with both feet, 110% always! I wrote the ceremony, created a family unity sand ceremony, and put together a music playlist.
The big day came and I was quite nervous, but I had my script. When it came time for them to repeat their vows, I read his to him expecting him to repeat them... he didn’t. So, not looking up, I read them again and he did not repeat them! Finally, I looked up to see if he heard me and quickly realized he was crying and could not talk yet. I stopped, hugged him, and with holding back my own tears said, “You can do this.” Once again, I was bit!
“I realized that the ceremony is so much more than words on a page. It’s your promise, your dreams, and your love expressed to the world. Being married since 1978 myself, I am filled with love, hope, and encouragement for all my couples starting on this journey together. It’s my very favorite service I can provide.”